Great Events Need Great Volunteers!
We need your help inspiring female future leaders from shop floor to top floor in high-tech STEM fields
- Everyone encouraged to volunteer - be part of a great team!
- Minimum age: 15 years
- Signed Guardian consent required for those under the age of 19, a signed waiver is also applicable to everyone
- Agreement to abide by the Achieve Anything Foundation's code of conduct is required for all volunteers.

The Sky's No Limit - She is Anything! 2024
April 27-28, 2024
LOCATION: Abbotsford International Airport
Many positions are available, multiple selections are possible - read on for more information!
- URGENT NEED: Pre-event setup April 22-26 and post-event teardown/clean-up April 29 - May 3.
- Main event days volunteer areas include: Passenger/Volunteer Check-In, People/Traffic Control, SIA Motorcycle Team - Patron Safety & Security, Helicopter Support Crew, General Help
- Help us organize! We need your help in the months leading up to the event - remote and in-person opportunities available to help with things like event promotions, planning, research, soliciting for in-kind community contributions and more - choose "Achieve Anything Foundation - general help" from the Volunteer Options. Sample job descriptions may be found within the application form and you can also specify your skills, areas of interest and availability.
- To volunteer as an event photographer or videographer, choose one of these options within the application form - photographers & videographers are needed year-round for many events.

Achieve Anything Foundation - General Help
LOCATION: various & remote (computer/phone) possible
Year-round help needed!
Some examples of some of the help we often need: Soliciting for in-kind community donations, poster and information distribution, information research (remote possible), Customer Service Ambassador (remote and/or in-person possible) - - descriptions of the various positions may be found inside the application form

Designated Event Photographers
LOCATION: Various incredible events!
Event photographers are needed to help us tell the story of our unique hands-on diversity outreach events, projects and programs. Event photographers regularly get special access to incredible opportunities not normally available to the general public! Your photos will be used in our web, media and social media to attract participants, sponsors, media attention and volunteers so we can continue to grow our free events, projects and programs! Photographer credit is given where possible. For examples of some of the ways your photos might be used, check out and

Designated Event Videographers
LOCATION: Various incredible events!
Videographers are needed to help us grouw our social media channels and help us promote our unique hands-on diversity initiatives. Videographers, along with photohgraphers regularly get special access to incredible opportunities not normally available to the general public! Your videos will be used in our web, media and social media to attract participants, sponsors, media attention and volunteers so we can continue to grow our free events, projects and programs! Videographer credit is given where possible. For examples of some of the ways your videos might be used, check out and as well as our new YouTube channel: Achieve Anything Foundation
Achieve Anything Foundation Volunteer Form
Questions? Contact Us:
Unit 47-
20821 Fraser Highway
Langley, BC Canada V3A 0B6
(604) 210-4033